How to Take Advantage of Content From Your Real Estate Brokerage

If your real estate brokerage has a content marketing strategy (and even better, if they’re implementing a community-focused content marketing strategy!), then that is seriously awesome!

Of course, as you can probably guess, my recommendation is to create your own original content that lives on your own website. But I know that this isn’t in the cards for everyone, and one of the reasons why brokerages create content is so their agents have something share and talk about with their spheres.

If your brokerage is creating engaging, useful content, you need to be sure and take advantage of it. Here are 3 tips for making the most of content from your brokerage:

1. Make your own contributions whenever possible.

Usually when I work on blog posts with a brokerage, we’ll send all of their agents a survey asking questions that help us create the content for each blog post. This is useful because not only are the blog posts then filled with rich, local information, but we also directly quote the agents, showing off their local knowledge and linking to the agent websites. (See an example of this here!) It’s a great opportunity for agents to get their name out there, as well as make connections with someone who might read their quote and relate to or appreciate the information.

The same is true of any other type of content. If your brokerage films video spotlights on neighborhoods or asks for any other input on content, volunteer when it makes sense! It usually won’t take much effort to pitch in, but you can reap the rewards of being featured in a piece of content your brokerage is putting resources into creating and promoting.

2. Share the content on social media platforms you’re active on.

If your brokerage creates a piece of content that you love (and especially if you’re featured/quoted in it!), be sure to share it with your audience! I frequently hear from real estate agents who aren’t sure what to share on their Facebook business pages, but this is the *perfect* opportunity to show off something special about your community while also sharing something that you contributed to.

When you share the blog post, be sure to add a thoughtful comment before sharing. (Don’t just hit “share” and leave it blank!) People should know WHY this post is relevant and WHY you’re sharing it.

So, let’s say you’re sharing a blog post that your brokerage created about the best brunches in town. Here’s an example of something you could say when you share the post:

“I shared my very favorite brunch spot in this awesome blog post! I loved learning about a few spots I didn’t know about, too. Where do you think the BEST brunch in town is? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!”

Here, you’re teasing the blog post a bit by not revealing exactly what place you recommended; people still have to click to find out. You’re also encouraging people to comment with their opinion, so hopefully you can get some good conversations started on your Facebook page.

You can also easily share Instagram posts, too—download the Repost app on your phone to make it easy. Just remember that the only clickable place on Instagram is in your Instagram bio, so be sure to include a link to the blog post you’re promoting in your bio. You can also share the Instagram post in your Instagram Stories.

3. Include links to the content in your newsletters.

It can be hard to come up with content for your newsletter if you don’t blog on your own, but high-quality content from your brokerage is great to highlight in your newsletter. Include a few words about why people might find the blog post special, and be sure to mention that your personal tips are included in the post.


A fantastic example of a real estate brokerage that consistently creates value-packed community content is Windermere Professional Partners in Pierce County, WA. Full transparency here: I happen to write for these wonderful folks, so I may be a bit biased, but I think you’ll find their website and the dynamic content that fills it to be endlessly inspiring. They create SO MUCH rich, informative, local, and useful content that shows off their community and their agents’ expert knowledge. Take some time to explore their website to see what it’s all about!

If you would like to learn more about community-focused marketing, I created an e-course all about it with Marguerite Martin, real estate agent and creator of Click here to learn more about Mastering the Art of Community Marketing!

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