From Start to Finish: What Goes Into Creating a Blog Post?

For those who have ever created a blog post for their real estate business, they know that if done well, it can be an incredibly time-consuming (but rewarding!) process. I’ve encountered real estate agents time and time again who have said: “Oh, right—I know I should be blogging, but who has the time?”

It’s true—blogging is a powerful way to connect with potential clients and demonstrate your expertise, and it’s also true that it can be a very time-consuming investment.

Whether you’re considering being your own blog writer (kudos to you!) or planning to outsource all or some of your blog, we want you to go into the process eyes wide open.

Below, I’ve included all that typically goes into a single blog post. I hope that this step-by-step list will provide you with insight into creating your own blogging plan!

1. Create a content schedule and strategy.

What should you write about on your blog? What type of content makes sense at this time of year? When will you write and publish each blog post? It will be important to establish how often you’ll post on your blog, what types of topics you should include to create a cohesive strategy, and how it’s all going to get done.

2. Research your topic. 

Unless you happen to know everything about the topic you’re writing about, you’ll have to do some research. Whether it’s something as small as figuring out when a business is open or as large as interviewing a few people to get the information you need, you’ll need to do a little digging.

3. Draft and outline your post.

After you have a better understanding of a topic, you can create an outline of your blog post. How will the blog post be organized? After seeing all of your research, would this topic actually be better presented as two separate blog posts? Will it be a numbered “listicle” post, or is it better divided into a few sections with subheadings?

4. It's finally time to get writing! 

Brew yourself a cup of tea or pour yourself a glass of wine. It’s time to do some actual writing! If you’re feeling stuck, read some other blog posts to get your head in the right space.

5. Edit! (Don't skip this step.)

Once it’s finished, you might want to set your blog post aside for awhile. Maybe it’s an hour, maybe it’s a day. It always helps to return to edit with a fresh set of eyes.

6. Figure out which photos to use. 

No matter what your blog post is about, it should have at least one featured image. Depending on your topic, photos can be an important way to keep readers engaged. This might involve taking your own photos, sending out a photographer to take photos for you, embedding Facebook images, or finding Instagram posts to feature. Sometimes, I spend just as long finding photos to include in a blog post as I do writing it. Photos are important! (Click here to check out “7 Ways to Get Photos for Your Real Estate Blog”!)

7. Formatting your post.

Now it’s time to upload your blog post to your website! For those who aren’t as familiar with blogging platforms, this can be one of the most challenging parts of blogging until you get the hang of it. Make sure your formatting is consistent, from font sizes to spacing. Upload any photos or other accompanying media, and make sure you have a featured image.

8. It's time to publish!

After previewing your blog post and making sure it all looks right, it’s finally time to hit the “publish” button. Check it again once it’s published to make sure the title is correct, the formatting is showing up right, and the photos are working properly.

9. Distribution.

It’s time to make sure that people actually see your blog post. Have an action plan for every single blog post you publish. If you need some direction here, check out “11 Ways to Get the Most Mileage Out of Your Blog Posts.”


And there you have it! As you can see, blogging is an investment of time, energy, and resources, but it’s just that: an investment. A blog post is an investment in your digital footprint that can serve you for years to come!  


Thanks for following along!

Alyssa W. Christensen is the owner and managing editor of Home Scribe Creative.

If you have any questions, she’s happy to chat! Get in touch with Alyssa here.

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